Saturday, April 16, 2011

Photography Technology-Infused Lesson Plan Barry Thibault’s Theater Infused Lesson

  • Theatre (9-12) Standard 1- Script writing by planning , researching using technology and writing a story based on personal experience, adapting a story, using imagination, literature, or history knowledge.
  • Theatre (9-12) Standard 2- Acting by assuming roles and interacting in student written scripts.
  • Theatre (9-12) Standard 3- Create digital photographs to enhance the student written script.

Technology Standards:

·       NETS 1: Creativity and Innovation (9-12) – Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct, knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

Guided/Independent Practice

Give out pre-test on Theater Elements of Script Writing

Small group or individual:

Teacher lesson on XtraNormal and characters created with digital photos.

Discuss Script template used to create a pleasing and easy- to- follow script.

Share rubric and discuss project requirements with class.

Students should select the main idea for their script. Use a favorite Story Activity (movie, book, play, etc.)

-Student will choose a favorite story.
-Student will analyze that story to answer the 5 elements that make up a script.

-Student will identify the beginning, middle, and end of the story.
-Student will discuss why he thinks his story was the most memorable.

-Instructor will guide student to focus on a beginning, middle, and end to create a story.

-Instructor will invite each student to present his story to the class.

After project review- post-test on Theater Elements of Script Writing.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Module 1- Chapter 11

This week you will be using the DOUGLASS THEATER BLOG to lean about your assignments. The nice thing about this is that you can do this at anytime and anywhere you have access to a computer.You will need to send me your work either through Google Docs by sharing with my email address or by turning in your written work  to the designated drop-box in the classroom.

If you need to email me your documents use my GMail address at:


Your daily grade will be based on your time spent on the blog page and work submitted by Friday. 

You will be sent off the computers and receive a 0 for a daily grade if you are using them for anything other than the assigned classwork! 

Lesson 1, "Theatre Safety," pp. 190-191.

Students will understand the importance of theatre safety.

Lesson 1 "Warm Up," p. 190.

Discuss pp. 190 -191.
Guided and/or Add new vocabulary terms to notebook.

Participate in "Action" activities,

Independent Practice pp. 190, 192.

Complete "Theatre Safety Tour"