Thursday, October 15, 2009

Post: Integrating Web 2.0 project idea and challenges

Given the need to strongly support student learning, I would like to create a project where my students share information through collaborative studies using web 2.0 tools including Google Docs.

This project could involve a collaboration from other local Atlanta Public School Theater classes. It would be great to set up Google Docs with other schools to support discussions based on theater topics and other projects. Each group can be assigned a specific theater topic ( Monologues, Improvisations, Theater History, Performance Ideas) and share discussions and ideas.

This could eventually be done with other high schools from different counties or even other countries. The student could really get a feel for how other schools and performers work toward the same common theater goals.

One of the main challenges that I will face in trying to incorporate a project with other schools in theater collaboration is the initial set-up and continued maintanance of the Google Documents as a communication tool.

According to Egbert (2009), "learning results from the interaction that takes place during these oopportunities, regardless of the task goal (pg.83).

Although this may be a challenge, especially when dealing with another teacher and their technology issues, it is important to create the collaboration as it should teach the students about managing issues and working out specific problems that could arise.

Another challenge that should be addressed is the issues of safety. This may be more of an issue if we chose to work with other classes outside the country.

Egbert list three aspects of safety that must be considered to ensure that my theater students are not harmed during these colaboration projects (pg 75).

This could be a challenge when working with online tools.

1. Use classroom and school safety policy.
2- Understand Who is interacting and what they are interacting about!
3- Always minimize risks to students when online when it comes to sharing personal information.

This is very important to me because I understand that students may not always think about the possible hazards when working with others through the internet.

Egbert, J. (2009). Supporting learning with technology: Essentials of classroom practice. Columbus, OH: Pearson.

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