Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blogger Turnover Reflection C

The educational value of Blogging in the classroom is extremely important in teaching technology to today's students. Blogging can teach students collaboration and organization while using the conveniences of technology.This convenience is important for all students to learn in an educational setting as well as a their home setting. students can create several Blogs depending on the purpose and goal and decide who to invite to view their creation.

As a teacher, I would suggest allowing the student to be creative in their blogging choices and act as a guide which should allow the student to feel more confident in their blogging creation.

With this creation, teachers can adjust the blogging experience to match their teaching style for just about any education setting, age or curriculum.I have used my blogging tools as a way to collaborate and teach my class away from the classroom. For example, this can be done with a substitute in the classroom or as a helpline for class projects and homework.

Another excellent way to integrate the Blogging features into the classroom is to share ideas with other classrooms in the school or district. With older students, blogging can eventually became a national or worldly lesson on collaboration with others an any given education curriculum.


Blogger Turnover Reflection B

There are many features of blogging that allow for an excellent communication tool. Many of the features can be used in and educational setting for classroom instruction which make Blogging an ideal classroom tool for teachers and students. The best part of Blogging with google that I have come to use is the idea that you can build a "follow" group which will allow many users to subscribe to your blog. This is an excellent tool because it allows each follower to automatically receive classroom updates and stay connected. Staying connected is the way to keep all students and parents informed of the activities in your classroom and this is extremely important.

Another feature that I think is very important is the poll section of the blog. In this section you can ask important questions and allow feedback and comments from your followers. I have used this in my class and it was a great way to get instant feedback form all students.

My students became followers at an early start of the class and they continue to check in anytime I update a new post automatically. This a very good alternative to emailing each individual student, as it saves time and other resources.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

PBL Description/Narrative for Immigration:Coming to America

Immigration: Coming to America
Barry D. Thibault
MEDT 7464

Overview, Goals & Objectives

In this particular lesson, children will write scenes for a class play about immigration based on the book, “What if your name was changed at Ellis Island” and write scripted monologues in the voices of their immigrant characters from their group selected countries. Each group of 4 will re-write a scene for the overall play of the story including each member of the group writing his/her own theater monologue about the reactions of coming to America based on the books characters.
The goals are to allow the children to: exercise their Language Art skills, demonstrate their knowledge gained from a social studies unit on immigrants and Ellis Island, interpret the book, present what they had learned about theater monologues and developing characters in theater, while practicing working in groups to accomplish a final goal. The children will conclude the project by creating a Microsoft Movie Maker Scrapbook of their character displaying technology skills introduced through the class with scripted monologue created using Microsoft Word.

This lesson will introduce the young actor to the discovery of creating their own monologues and scripts of immigrants coming to America. The idea of characterization is an important role in theater and this activity will allow the actor to develop special characters through the research and study of immigrants along with a Social Studies curriculum.


Students should have a previous lesson on monologues and characterization to fully understand the background requirements and needs to perform and present special characters in theater. Background knowledge of immigration will be discussed in the Social Studies curriculum. Microsoft Word and Microsoft’s Publisher will also be utilized and should be taught prior to using this lesson.

This lesson will require a computer lab and internet research for the story “What if your Name was changed at Ellis Island.” Students can bring in old cloths and props to act out the specific characters that they create for this lesson.


Students will read the book “What if your Name was changed at Ellis Island” along with the Social Studies chapter on Immigration in America for this lesson. The following plans are suggested activities for the students:

1. Students will spend 2-3 days in the computer lab researching their immigrant’s background by reading biographies of immigrants. Students will create a monologue based on this research.

2. Students will create a scrapbook that describes the journey the immigrant had to travel. This can include a background of their life before they left,their trip to the U.S., or life in America based on their monologue.

3. Students will have to assemble a scrapbook or movie video that
describes the events written in the monologue.

4. They can write their monologue script under the picture as a suggestion.

5. Students will then correlate the scripted monologue that details the images chosen with other audio/visuals and other design elements.

6. Students will have to present their character in class or through a video recording

7. Students will be graded on script presentation and scrapbook/movie.

8. Creativity is very important for the students to receive a good grade.


Students can present the immigrant’s story on video or perform live for an audience. Many other possible ideas can be presented for performance and feedback depending on the age group and acting/writing levels of the students. The obvious outcome would be a mature monologue that displays the struggles of the immigrants as they arrive to America for the first time. A rubric can also used to detail the requirements of the scrapbook, brochure, monologues, scripts or writings of the students.

PBL Immigration: Coming to America

Follow this link to my project Social Studies/Theater lesson on:

Immigration: Coming To America

Project Based Learning can be an invaluable tool in the classroom for improving not only student achievement, but engagement as well. The projects that students will participate in during this initiative integrate multiple content areas, maximizing instructional time. Project Based Learning helps students develop higher-order thinking skills and technological awareness that will benefit them as students and as future adults. At the conclusion of these activities, students will possess an understanding of United States history, which will be enhanced by their consideration of history from the perspective of those involved in it. Students will have also developed their writing skills and technological competence. These abilities will improve student success on standardized testing, and students will have become more engaged in the learning process.

In this particular lesson, children will write scenes for a class play about immigration based on the book, “What if your name was changed at Ellis Island” and write scripted monologues in the voices of their immigrant characters from their group selected countries. Each group of 4 will re-write a scene for the overall play of the story including each member of the group writing his/her own theater monologue about the reactions of coming to America based on the books characters.

The goals are to allow the children to: exercise their Language Art skills, demonstrate their knowledge gained from a social studies unit on immigrants and Ellis Island, interpret the book, present what they had learned about theater monologues and developing characters in theater, while practicing working in groups to accomplish a final goal. The children will conclude the project by creating a Microsoft Movie Maker Scrapbook of their character displaying technology skills introduced through the class with scripted monologue created using Microsoft Word.

Blog Turnover Reflection A

I have learned to enjoy using the Blogging tools in my classroom and have found that my students enjoyed contributing and reading the Blogs. I believe it is a great tool to reflect on teaching and learning. It has become a safe place to receive feedback from students and colleages and an excellent source for sharing ideas. Technology is a necessary tool to be discovered in education and it is important to teach these tools for all students to be successful. I will continue to use the Blogging ideas that I have learned throughout this course. I have always been eager to try new things and have learned that today's students are also eager and interested in learning this type of information. This Blogging experience has helped me feel more confident in the continuation of other technology use in my classroom.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Using Projects and Performances to Check for Understanding

Using Projects and Performances to Check for Understanding: "Projects and performances often demand a heavy investment of time and effort. Needless frustrations result when students have made that investment in good faith, only to discover that their end result misses the mark. More often than not, there were no systems in place to have work in progress assessed for revision.

We build incremental assessments into our project-based assignments to prevent these difficulties. For example, we assign a photo essay to our 9th grade writing class (Frey, 2003). This is quite an undertaking, and students' interest and enthusiasm run high. However, because we know the assignment is fraught with potential problems, we meet with each student several times over the course of the project. Students develop a storyboard, draft text, and assemble the final product. At each stage, we confer with them and complete a checklist (see Figure 5.1). In addition, we use a mutually constructed rubric at each stage so that they can gauge the level of completeness of their project (see Figure 5.2). These checklists and notes from our meetings are turned in with the final project. Of course, these tools can be modified for use with students with disabilities and for students who find school difficult.

Figure 5.1. Feedback for Draft Photo Essays

Feedback on Draft of Photo Essay

Student: _______________ Date: _________ Draft # _________




□ My paragraphs have more than one sentence.

□ Each of my paragraphs has one main idea.

□ I have used correct grammar.

□ I have used correct punctuation.

□ I have checked my spelling.

□ I have used capital letters correctly.

□ My handwriting is legible.


□ My introduction is interesting and inviting.

□ The sequence of ideas is logical.

□ My ideas flow from one to another.

□ I use helpful transitions between main points (e.g., “First of all” or “Similarly”).

□ I have a satisfying conclusion.


□ My sentences build logically upon the one(s) before.

□ My sentences are different lengths.

□ My sentences start in different ways.

□ There are no run-on sentences.

□ There are no incomplete sentences.


□ Commas separate items in a series.

□ A comma follows an introductory word or phrase.

□ A semicolon connects two sentences.

□ Closing quotation marks always follow commas or periods.

□ Apostrophes are used correctly to show possession or to create contractions.

□ A period, question mark, or exclamation point ends every sentence.

Word Choice

□ I use descriptive words (adjectives and adverbs) often.

□ I use strong, active verbs.

□ I use synonyms and different words to add variety.

□ My pronouns match the nouns to which they refer.

Next Steps:

From “A picture prompts a thousand words: Creating photo essays with struggling writers,” by N. Frey, 2003, California English, 8(5), 20.

Figure 5.2. Rubric for Photo Essay

Student Name: _____________________ Date:_____________

Title: _________________________






Required Elements

Photo essay included all required elements as well as a few additional ones.

Photo essay included all required elements as well as one additional element.

Photo essay included all required elements.

One or more required elements were missing from the photo essay.

Spelling and Grammar

Few or no spelling or grammatical mistakes on a photo essay with lots of text.

Few or no spelling or grammatical mistakes on a photo essay with less text.

Several spelling or grammatical mistakes on a photo essay with lots of text.

Several spelling or grammatical mistakes on a photo essay with little text.

Use of Time

Used time well during each class period with no adult reminders.

Used time well during most class periods with no adult reminders.

Used time well but required adult reminders on one or more occasions.

Used time poorly in spite of several adult reminders.


Photo essay uses both text and pictures to tell an imaginative story.

Photo essay uses mostly text, with some support from pictures, to tell an imaginative story.

Some pictures and text are not clearly related to one another.

Text and pictures have little connection with one another.

Required Elements:

□ 15–20 photographs used in photo essay.

□ Text is typed or written neatly.

□ Photo essay includes a cover with title, author, and illustration.

□ “About the Author” essay included.

From “A picture prompts a thousand words: Creating photo essays with struggling writers,” by N. Frey, 2003, California English, 8(5), 21.

Social Organizations That Promote Participation and a Sense of Agency

Many projects and performances involve group collaboration, and these instructional arrangements can be a source of frustration when not carefully designed and monitored. A common element in the findings about successful cooperative learning groups is that there should be both group and individual accountability (Cohen, 1994; Johnson & Johnson, 1998). Therefore, it is wise to provide students with a mechanism for evaluating their own performance in the group. We have included a sample self-assessment in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3. Self-Assessment of Group Work
Language arts workshop: Purposeful reading and writing instruction

Projects that are completed individually may benefit from inviting peer feedback, which can be valuable for all students. Anyone engaged in a creative endeavor knows how useful it can be to run an idea past a trusted colleague. Peer response in the classroom can offer the same advantages, but the skills required for offering and accepting need to be taught. In particular, we remind our students of the following principles:

* Students determine when they need peer feedback. We don't construct an artificial schedule of when students are required to get peer feedback, only that they do so at some point during the project.
* Not everything needs peer feedback. Too much feedback can result in an overload of information.
* Teachers, not students, should offer feedback on the details and mechanics of the piece. Peer response should not turn classmates into miniature teachers. Instead, peers can provide reactions as a fellow reader, writer, or audience member related to what they understood and what might be confusing (Frey & Fisher, 2006).

Problem-Based and Project-Based Learning

Both problem-based and project-based learning (PBL) can be integrated into performances. These approaches seek to replicate an authentic experience or application that occurs outside the classroom. Most experiences are designed to be collaborative, resulting in social as well as academic learning. Both problem-based and project-based learning are intended to integrate skills and content across disciplines, resulting in a holistic experience.

Although the approaches are similar, there are some differences between the two. Project-based learning is more common to elementary and secondary classrooms; problem-based learning is used less frequently (Esch, 1998). Problem-based learning is used widely in the medical field, where case studies serve as an important method for developing the skills of novices (Hmelo, 1998). Because problem-based learning is, by design, authentic to the situation, young students are more limited in their ability to successfully complete these complex assignments. Therefore, project-based learning, where a multidimensional task is defined and supported, is used more frequently in K–12 classrooms.

Projects can extend from a few days in length to weeks or even a semester, with even young children finding success. For example, project-based learning has been used in inclusive 5th and 6th grade classrooms to teach historical understanding (Ferretti, MacArthur, & Okolo, 2001). While the potential of project-based learning is appealing, Meyer, Turner, and Spencer (1997) offer cautions regarding the design of such learning experiences. Having noted that some students have less capacity for dealing with setbacks and other challenges, they state that “typical classroom goals such as accuracy, speed, and completion dates may conflict with the project-based math goals of justification, thoughtfulness, and revision” (p. 517). Keep in mind some of the design principles discussed earlier, especially access to frequent formative assessments to guide revisions. These, along with structures such as timelines and intermediate goals, can be especially helpful for students who are less persistent or who like their work to be perfect before the teacher sees it.
Performance Learning

A third type of learning opportunity used frequently in the classroom is performance, which can be presented through public or other visual means. Many performances focus on the application and synthesis of knowledge to create novel products. Like project-based learning, there is an end product in mind (e.g., a poster, a Web-based project, a musical). Not all performances are as elaborate as problem- and project-based learning (PBL) assignments. Some are simpler and do not need all of the formal supports associated with PBL. For example, the creation of a graphic organizer to visually represent the influence of Muslim scholars on scientific processes, mathematics, and literature is not likely to require a series of formative assessments along the way.

The importance of performance opportunities lies in their potential for providing other outlets for students to demonstrate their mastery of different concepts in ways that are not limited to more traditional school-based demonstrations such as reading, writing, and computational tasks. In many ways, performance tasks lie at the heart of differentiated instruction because they afford learners with diverse needs creative ways to show competence (Tomlinson, 1999).

In the next section, we will discuss techniques for using performances and projects to check for understanding. All of them use principles of design discussed earlier, especially scaffolds and group interactions. Although many are public performances, some are transactions between the teacher and learner only."

Using Projects and Performances to Check for Understanding

Using Projects and Performances to Check for Understanding: "Problem-Based and Project-Based Learning

Both problem-based and project-based learning (PBL) can be integrated into performances. These approaches seek to replicate an authentic experience or application that occurs outside the classroom. Most experiences are designed to be collaborative, resulting in social as well as academic learning. Both problem-based and project-based learning are intended to integrate skills and content across disciplines, resulting in a holistic experience.

Although the approaches are similar, there are some differences between the two. Project-based learning is more common to elementary and secondary classrooms; problem-based learning is used less frequently (Esch, 1998). Problem-based learning is used widely in the medical field, where case studies serve as an important method for developing the skills of novices (Hmelo, 1998). Because problem-based learning is, by design, authentic to the situation, young students are more limited in their ability to successfully complete these complex assignments. Therefore, project-based learning, where a multidimensional task is defined and supported, is used more frequently in K–12 classrooms."

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Integrating Windows' Movie Maker into the classroom!

My Video Project titled “Technology in the classroom” as a project idea to integrate technology into the classroom by creating a digital movie with the Windows’ Movie Maker Software. While the project is meant for a college level class, it can also be used in all levels of education. I can see a use for creating short movies to help keep instruction fun, and educational in my theater class. The movies created with this software can also be used to display student work at a kiosk or presented at a PTSA event.

I would eventually see my class presenting a movie before a performance of a play showing the behind the scenes work that was put into the final production. The desired outcome for using video projects in the classroom could include a communication tool for expressing information and ideas to multiple audiences. This would be a fun activity for all school aged children with a desire to learn by being creative.

This digital video assignment would allow for all students in my classes to be able to present by displaying their own media content but it could also be used for all educational disciplines. It is an excellent project for individuals but, could be even more fun in a collaborative effort between 3-4 students as they learn by sharing with each other.


I have learned a lot about using the software in a short amount of time and hope to get better with practice. In my critique, I must remember that the point of doing projects is to learn and I have tried not to compare my work with others that possibly had more experience. As with any new project or practice, there are some challenges. I had difficulty with learning the timing of the particular video and coinciding this with audio is an even more difficult challenge. I do hope to improve and add more audio to my next movie. Also, I realize now that the image resolution is an important factor on the final outcome. I selected images with low resolution which became unclear in the movie. It would be more beneficial to use relevant picture from my own library than to search for them on the web. This is also a way I can control the picture quality and make it more personal.

Follow this link to my video on:

Technology in the classroom

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Post: Integrating Web 2.0 project idea and challenges

Given the need to strongly support student learning, I would like to create a project where my students share information through collaborative studies using web 2.0 tools including Google Docs.

This project could involve a collaboration from other local Atlanta Public School Theater classes. It would be great to set up Google Docs with other schools to support discussions based on theater topics and other projects. Each group can be assigned a specific theater topic ( Monologues, Improvisations, Theater History, Performance Ideas) and share discussions and ideas.

This could eventually be done with other high schools from different counties or even other countries. The student could really get a feel for how other schools and performers work toward the same common theater goals.

One of the main challenges that I will face in trying to incorporate a project with other schools in theater collaboration is the initial set-up and continued maintanance of the Google Documents as a communication tool.

According to Egbert (2009), "learning results from the interaction that takes place during these oopportunities, regardless of the task goal (pg.83).

Although this may be a challenge, especially when dealing with another teacher and their technology issues, it is important to create the collaboration as it should teach the students about managing issues and working out specific problems that could arise.

Another challenge that should be addressed is the issues of safety. This may be more of an issue if we chose to work with other classes outside the country.

Egbert list three aspects of safety that must be considered to ensure that my theater students are not harmed during these colaboration projects (pg 75).

This could be a challenge when working with online tools.

1. Use classroom and school safety policy.
2- Understand Who is interacting and what they are interacting about!
3- Always minimize risks to students when online when it comes to sharing personal information.

This is very important to me because I understand that students may not always think about the possible hazards when working with others through the internet.

Egbert, J. (2009). Supporting learning with technology: Essentials of classroom practice. Columbus, OH: Pearson.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Douglass Posting: Day A Period 2

Discuss some of the qualities and specs of the phone you researched in class. You should include things that were listed on the board/folder for full credit. Discuss issues like formatting, battery, camera, gps, music player and other specs.

If you are new to the class and did not do the original assignment you should look up a phone and research some of it's qualities!

Mr. Thibault

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Musicians from the state of Georgia- Creating with Comic Life

Post 7: Comic Life in the classroom article.

Thacker, Charles. (2007). How to Use Comic Life in the Classroom. Retrieved September 23, 09,from

The educational and multimedia software called Comic Life was designed to introduce fun, hands on instruction with creativity for today’s students using the latest in digital media technology. The program uses intuitive resources presently available in most classrooms – a computer, camera, scanner, and other digital media. Additionally, the software can be used to facilitate student projects in all types of classrooms and with some creativity; anyone can develop exciting imagery to bring to life textbooks and classroom lessons. This innovative approach to delivering instruction can enhance the performance of each student.

The author of this article, Charles Thacker, provides some assignment ideas that lend themselves to the use of Comic Life:

• Timelines (history, events, sequences)
• Historical figures (history of, life of)
• Instructions (step by step, details, illustrations, easy to follow)
• Dialogue punctuation
• Character analysis
• Plot analysis
• Storytelling
• Pre-Writing Tool
• Post-Reading Tool
• Teaching Onomatopoeias

Our Comic Life workshop is designed to aid instruction by introducing ideas and examples of software using technology that will engage their students in creative and artistic learning. Many ideas and tools mentioned by Thatcher will be facilitated in the workshop. Teachers joining the workshop will go away with sample projects they can use instantaneously in their classroom. Participants will become comfortable with the technology and learn how to fulfill the state and national standards using Comic Life in their lessons while fulfilling recent technology requirements.

Comic Life Article Explains the Value of Comic Life in the Classroom!


Friday, September 25, 2009

Using Comic Life software in the classroom!

What do all these musicians have in common?

In my Comic Life example, I decided to create a music themed comic featuring several well-known singers from all types of genres in music. I thought it would be a great way to start off a lesson on local artist to help teach students about the music from the state of Georgia.

As you may have figured it out, all these singers are from the state of Georgia. Today's singers, rappers and entertainers are starting out early and many come from the area of Atlanta, Georgia. Do you have a favorite artist from the state of Georgia?

This has been a fun project to work on because it is very easy to understand and the program allows for a student's true creative side to be expressed. I would end the project with each student researching about their favorite local artist and then create a Comic Life project that teaches something about their chosen artist!

Try the software and see how creative you can be! Comic Life

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Day Period 1,2, and 4

In your own words, describe what directors, actors, and stage crew do to create "mood" on stage.

Blogging Entry #5

What I have learned:

I have learned so many things in creating our blogs for this class. I have never used a blog before but can find many great uses for any classroom setting. I believe that the future of technology and school will include the use a laptop computer for all students. Blogs can actually help store and save entries that are traditionally done on notebook paper. Most blogs found on the web are free of charge and can be set up for many different topics and interests.

Theater Class use of blogs:

In an ideal setting where everyone would have access to a lab, I would have the students set up a blogging project space for personal reflections and learning outcomes. Blogging can be done after classroom lessons and can be added to on a daily basis. This theater blog space would definitely include some entries on characterization, monologue study, theater history and performance evaluations. Students will also be able to create video and voice recordings that can be used for further study and critique. The nice thing about blogging is that students can share what they have done in class with anyone who has internet access.

Many Blog spots have space to also include many videos and pictures with links to other links on the web. Blogging has become an alternative to web page creating in most classrooms because it is quick and free through a server and the lab does not have to include any extra software to execute.

Richardson, W. (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts: And other powerful web tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

References Boss, S., & Krauss, J. (2008). Reinventing project-based learning: Your field guide to real-world projects in the digital age. Eugene, OR: ISTE.

Barry Thibault

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Voicethread projects in the classroom

VoiceThread is a communication tool that adds excitement and creativity to presentations.VoiceThread makes sideshow presentations used in the classroom an interactive, collaborative, learning experience for all students involved. The only thing needed by a typical classroom is access to the internet and a way to record conversations, this can be done through a common microphone attachment, a phone call or a text done on the computer keyboard.

You can check out other projects and ideas at the main Voicethread page. It is free to sign up and educators can receive the pro-version with a school email account($29.00 value)

The ability to create voice comments, voice recording within a browser allows for recording of multiple voices, doodling which captures drawing as an animation synced to voice or text commentary…listeners can watch the process, voice threads can be embedded in other sites, one account can have many identities so a classroom can switch identities on the fly without having to sign out, media importing so slide show presentations and pictures become collaborative conversations, comment moderation abilities, and the ability to zoom in and pan images.

How I would integrate VoiceThread into my classroom:

I would like to try out Voicethread with my students on a day that I would be out of the class. This could be interacting with the students while at home sick or at a teacher conference. The possibilities of lessons are endless when the students are guided to comment on certain topics or previous discussions with the watch of a substitute teacher.

Other Common Uses for Voicethread:

Use VoiceThread to create a time line of the students day. Students can record themselves describing different events of the day. Parents and out of town family can see what happens on a typical day in your classroom. Debates can be hosted and conducted using Voice Thread. VoiceThread can make history interactive, for example, host an art history artist critique and discussion. Create a book group using VoiceThread where students interact and discuss their reading together. Students can read their stories and record as a VoiceThread (this also makes a special keepsake!). Teachers can use VoiceThread for math problem demonstrations, step by step science “experiments”, staff training, or to teach a second language.

Weekly Blogger assignment : Week of 9/14/09

This assignment will be required for all students in Mr. Thibault's Theater 1, 2 and Video Classes. Make sure it is finished by the end of the week midnight for a test grade!

Log into Blogger and sign up for emails. You must become a follower to do this. You should open a new Gmail account if you do not want to use your personal email. Yahoo will work but you will receive a lot of emails from the class doing this.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Voicethread- Integrating technology into the classroom

The following will take you to the Voicethread page demonstration of using the Voicethread web browser to create classroom instructional projects.

This link is a demonstraton on using math and music in the elementary curriculum.

Mr. Thibault

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Barry, Your blog is looking great! I can really see your working coming through my computer screen. Have your students checked it out yet?

Keep it up;)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Douglass High School Theater Link

Integrating Technology into the Fine Arts Building

Our Fine Arts Dept. including the Douglass High Theater, Band, Orchestra and Chorus classes have finally received computers after a 4 year fight to include a computer lab for the students. This lack of computer technology has made most teachers reluctant to the use of technology in their lesson plans and unsure of how to use them with the classroom. The only integration that was being used was the use of their laptops to develop lesson plans and email communications! Our department did not even have projectors or screens in most classrooms.

After the initial lab set-up the dept had a meeting about planning and developing an action plan and computer use policy for all students. I was able to share some ideas that I have learned in the past year in my technology courses at West Georgia and developed some ideas for the computer labs.

In our planning, most teachers told me that the wanted to include the use of the lab for research and theory based software for students to increase their class knowledge and supplement learning. This was a good start for a group that has never used computers before but after sharing some other ideas they were shocked and excited about the true capabilities of this new lab.

I was able to show the group a class web site that I created and they were excited about the idea of having the students continue the site and help to develop our first Douglass Fine Arts Web Page that would include some class room instructional ideas and media. This would definitely get the students excited about the learning again in the classroom. I was able to show them some instructional videos that I created with movie/audio producing software and they were now starting to see the true capabilities of a true lab.

As a team, we decided to change some typical, boring general music classes that we all needed to teach for the general school population that needed fine arts credit. The new MUSIC TECHNOLOGY courses will include the use of the lab to develop created music and video segments and web pages for all classes.

This will be a fun project for the students and I am excited about the possibilities of teaching the ideas that I learned from classes to my colleagues. I hope that the lab will become more than just a research based lab and that the students are eager to develop some exciting projects that will become useful to them in the future.


Working Definition of Technology Integration

My working definition of technology integration seems to change as quickly as the new technology is introduced. As more and more technology becomes available to all classrooms and students in all schools this will continue to change. 

Integration must include the use of new resources and technology-based instruction into the daily routines, work, and management of a classroom. These resources include classroom computer labs, software, hardware, communication tools, data storage devices, as well as, media including video and audio. I believe that in order to allow for integration the teacher and student must work together to continue to use and continue learning from these resources.

The primary goal of any integration involving technology should be to create a well rounded, capable student able to discover ways of presenting and managing data in a safe and organized environment that can be transferred to all aspects of a student’s future!

Barry Thibault